Writing a job application is like writing a story – and who wants to read a boring story? So, stand out from the...

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Writing a job application is like writing a story – and who wants to read a boring story? So, stand out from the crowd and submit a CV and Covering Letter that will make you unique and one that focuses on how you meet the job requirements rather than how wonderful you are – let the public form their own opinion about this. And yes, much as you think your CV is the best CV ever, HR managers often have to review hundreds or even thousands of CVs, and believe us, most look the same and say the same thing(s).

Tip – READ the FULL job details and show examples of RELEVANT qualifications and experience. Also, touch on how you coped in these situations and, what the outcome was. To ensure that you submit an application that has STAR quality follow these simple steps:

S = Situation (BRIEFLY describe the situation that makes you suitable for the position)

T= Task (Briefly describe the task )

A=Action (what Action did you undertake – now this is where you score points!)

R= Results What were the results? BINGO! Everyone likes a winner!

Also, make your application easy for the HR manager to read: include paragraph breaks, headings, clear sentences and last but not least, please DO NOT send HR Managers web links! They don’t have time. Everything you have to say should be included on your application! As busy as you think you are, multiple it by 1,000x – that’s how busy HR Managers are. So, enjoy trying out your STAR CV!

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