WHO WE ARE (ATB), is a Digital Recruitment/Talent Management company that  Prepares, Positions and Transitions students from Campus to Corporate Life. ATB...

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WHO WE ARE (ATB), is a Digital Recruitment/Talent Management company that  Prepares, Positions and Transitions students from Campus to Corporate Life. ATB utilises Web, Mobile applications, Social Media and Video to identify, train and recruit top talent on behalf of our clients & partners who range from fast growth start-ups to multinationals.  Companies with whom we have partnered for recruitment and/or marketing purposes include: Coca-Cola, Unilever, BAT, Safaricom, Anjarwalla & Khanna Advocates, CBA and Standard Chartered Bank, to name a few. By the end of 2015, ATB will have organised Graduate Open days for: Unilever, Safaricom, EABL and BAT.

WHAT ARE GRADUATE OPEN DAYS? In 2014, (ATB), launched the ‘Graduate Open Day’ programme, in which, ATB partners with graduate recruiters to invite potential graduate& intern candidates to visit its partner organisation(s). Candidates meet staff members from an organisation in which they are interested, and often do so, on their “home ground”.

These events enable candidates to find out more about an industry & function in which they wish to specialise, from people already on the inside. Candidates do not often have the opportunity to speak directly with employers prior to submission of their applications. Events such as our annual March careers fair for example, enable candidates to do so and the Graduate Open days, complement our annual careers fair.

WHY DO WE NEED GRADUATE OPEN DAYS? To bridge the skills gap between what employers are looking for and, what graduate candidates are offering

There is currently a mismatch between what graduate recruiters are looking for, and what graduate candidates are offering. We believe that events such as the Graduate Open Day, go some way in addressing these discrepancies, as well as demystifying the world of work and what this entails.  The Open Day will also provide an opportunity for candidates to have face to face discussions with staff members from various functions, including HR. It will also assist in demystifying Graduate/Management trainee programmes & what these entail. ATB’s aim, is to provide its partners with a quality graduate talent pool that is “Fit for Work“.

UPCOMING GRADUATE OPEN DAYS (Dates to be confirmed but will be in November)

  1. EABLFriday, 6 November (7.30am to 4pm)
  2. UNILEVERFriday, 13 November (7.30am to 4pm)
  • Due to number of candidates expected, dates may be changed (if so, by a few days), to accommodate all. Please therefore follow our updates via ATBChat our messaging app (available free from Google Play) or, via this link

Click links below to view photos of previous Graduate Open Days, organised by (ATB).

  1. Unilever Graduate Open Day
  2. British American Tobacco (BAT) Graduate Open Day –
  3. Safaricom Graduate Open Day –

Please check the ATB Messaging app ATBChat for regular updates as well as application form tips for both events. You can also download ATBChat (Android) FREE, from Google Play.

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