JENNIFER MUSYIMI – MD, Anka Consultants

 Jennifer Musyimi is among the few women who have gone against the grain as...

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Jennifer Musyimi2 Jennifer Musyimi is among the few women who have gone against the grain as far as the stereotype of the construction industry is concerned. Jennifer is Managing Director of Anka Consultants (which she also co-owns) as well as Hon. Registrar of the Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya (IQSK).

 Jennifer and her team are currently working on various projects including: Gellian Hotel
Value: KES 300 Million ,   Kiandongoro Lodge Value: KES 100 Million, Angelville Homes
Value: KES 100 Million, proposed GreenPoint Gardens in Eldoret  Value: Ksh 800 million  

In an interview given to BuildingKE Jennifer’s advice to women either pursuing construction-related courses and those who just ventured into the job market was this: a woman can make it big in this field and they shouldn’t be intimidated by anyone or feel like they are not worth it. During KCPE and KCSE, they sat next to these same boys and they passed. So what has changed after graduation? The mentality of women feeling that they cannot make it should stop. We need to be more than a few women in this industry, so I urge the ladies to step up to the challenge.

I would love for more girls and women to join, work and thrive in the construction industry. If they need mentorship or guidance, let them reach out. It can be lonely up here.  If you wish to pursue a career in construction/real estate and which to find out more, meet Jennifer Musyimi at the ATB Entrepreneur Bootcamp on Friday, 31 July 2015. ALL welcome. Click link for details:


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