Identity, according to the Collins dictionary, are the characteristics of a person, place or thing which distinguishes them from the rest. So identity is basically who we are or what something is.
My main reason for bringing up this issue on this short post is very simple. All of us were created with a purpose but the sad thing is that many die without ever having discovered their true purpose in life. So the question then becomes: why do many people die without discovering their purpose? I will in very few words try to explain this.
Purpose is a manufacturer’s reason for creating that product. For that product to serve its intended purpose, it must be positioned in a place where it is needed. for example, you cannot have a ship on a highway; it will be a waste and besides, it is not even adapted to operate on tarmac.
It is hard to discover your purpose Identity, you don’t know who you are. This truth should shock us all, into waking up because a large percent of the youth still don’t know who they are, and so they try to fit in whatever environment that they find themselves in, often with terrible consequences because most of these environments are not conducive to the growth of a positive lifestyle.
From the above explanation, we can deduce the importance of identity. Identity is the key that opens the door to the discovery of purpose. This is so, because once we figure out our identity, we know where to position ourselves; where we will thrive. As we saw above, everything and every person has an area where their purpose comes to the full and this area can be discovered by a person who knows their identity.
Let us make having an identity our priority. This way, we will be in a position to take the right decisions appertaining to our lives. Let us remember that our identity is not pegged to where we come from, where we work, what we wear, where we went to school, or the places we hang out. It is something in the inside of us, it is that thing that comes out even when we are just relaxing and having a quiet time. It is synonymous with us and every time something related to it is mentioned, people’s minds immediately go to us.
Identity is the key to unlocking your potential and is very important in the life of all of us; both young or old. I leave you with this question: Do you have an identity or do you simple just jump on every bandwagon that comes your way? Click HERE to read more posts by Mwangi