Male Perspective On ‘Fashion’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

I remember switching on my TV a few years ago and saw a show titled “Style My hubby”. I was surprised and rather...

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I remember switching on my TV a few years ago and saw a show titled “Style My hubby”. I was surprised and rather taken aback. What is this? Style my husband? You mean there are people who would invite the whole nation to watch a stylist, style their husband? Is it really that important? Could there be a difference in perception along gender lines? I wonder how many men would dare do this. First for the obvious reason; fear of retribution and second, we are often stunned by beauty and the sense of style. The irony though; we barely remember the clothing soon after we part ways. Lol

My views are that women seem to be more stylish and fashion conscious than men. As for most men, provided you have a cool jacket and a pair of trousers, sixty percent of your concerns are gone. I find that we men don’t put as much weight on what others think about our fashion sense, as our female counterparts do; we are born to slay and we encourage them to keep that up.

An example would be preparation for a date; I hear women pick out their clothes a day earlier and still try out at least 3 pieces of clothing before finally settling on what to adorn themselves in. This is followed by another 45 minutes of preparations before they present themselves. As for the men I know, preparation for a date doesn’t shock them much. He will wait until 10 min to when he should leave the house, take a shower, then use his nose to determine which of his shirts to wear.

I encourage our female counterparts to continually dress to kill; this inspires us men as well. If you’ve taken time to notice, men nowadays try to keep trendy as well and all credit goes to our female friends; you set the bar high, we wouldn’t want to disappoint you. There goes the secret. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, check out my colleague, Mercy’s post HERE

Photo Credit: Ozwald Boateng

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