KNOWLEDGE VERSUS HABIT - Knowledge is one thing;  applying knowledge consistently is what builds habit. This is what counts                                                    ...

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KNOWLEDGE VERSUS HABIT Knowledge is one thing;  applying knowledge consistently is what builds habit. This is what counts                                                    


When we look at (CLEAN) successful people, we often look at them full of admiration (and rightly so), and wonder how and what it is that got them there? How did they do it? Who do they know? What trick of the trade did they use? Is there a quick fix solution which we can also use, borrow, or copy?  We then wonder: what is it they do, that  separates them from us? Is it brains, brawn (physical strength), money, luck, a rich dad or uncle? What is it?

There is a simple answer to this in the majority of cases and you can apply this theory to any goal that you set, be it: success, losing weight. getting top grades and so forth  Most of us know what we have to do, but we just cannot get round to applying this knowledge.  Applying this knowledge requires dedication, discipline and it further requires us to transition from knowledge to habit (come rain or shine). However, unlike successful people, few of us are able to apply these tools/know how/solutions, on a consistent basis, day in, day out.

What you need to do if you have not done so already, is to transform this knowledge in to habit. Then ensure these habits are not only good habits, but that you apply them CONSISTENTLY across the board. People with sloppy, careless attitudes i.e poor time keeping, lack of discipline, messy/untidy people, those who have no pride in their own brand, or those who fail to prepare, often tend to struggle when it comes to transitioning  from knowledge to habit.

  • Lose weight – You need to burn more calories than you consume by increasing physical activity
  •  top grades – study more, work on your own, read extra
  • Success –  good ideas, hard work, discipline, reliable , be consistent

So remember, knowing what to do is only an idea; actually doing what you have to do consistently i.e. HABIT is the key to success and/or reaching your goals.  For more on this including examples, you can listen to the ATB podcast. Click link to access ATB PODCAST PLAYLIST –


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