Human beings are the only creatures who were given the power of creation and since time immemorial, humans have continually come up with inventions and innovations which...

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Human beings are the only creatures who were given the power of creation and since time immemorial, humans have continually come up with inventions and innovations which have completely revolutionised the way of life and how we conduct our business.

One of such innovations is the wheel. The wheel was invented way back in 3500 B.C and has undergone so many improvements to be what we see and use today. Wheels are used in so many instances but I want us to concentrate on the wheels used by vehicles of all sizes.

For a wheel to be useful, it must have it’s four components working well: the tyre, the tube, the rim and the valve. If either of this is not in its perfect state, that wheel will not give quality service. Once these four are put together, there remains one more thing for the wheel to become wholly operational: AIR. This is fed through the valve into the tube which is encased within the tyre and the rim under high pressure. Once inflated to the required level, the wheel is ready for use. In this state, the wheel can carry many tons.

The manufacturers are usually very specific that only pressurised air should be used in the tyres. If you try to replace air with anything else, the wheel will malfunction and if you don’t inflate it to the required level, the wheel will not operate well.

This is a very simple scenario but with a great lesson. Some things in life are irreplaceable and for us to be successful, these things must at all times, be at optimum. For us to be successful, we have to work hard and be consistent. There has been a rise in gambling and competitions in all media promising a windfall when one participates in them. So many people have fallen victim to these ploys and have ended up squandering even the meagre resources they had. These two: hard work and consistency topped with persistence, are sure to give us success in every endeavour. For those waiting for lady luck to come visiting, I have bad news for you; you might wait the rest of your life. Luck is created by our actions not by some fairy lady from our imagination. So if you want success, go out there and break a sweat, get your hands dirty and then “Lady Luck”will come knocking. To read more posts by Mwangi click HERE

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