On Smelling The Roses  Many of us today work long hours and rarely take time out, to literally smell the roses. Ironically,...

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On Smelling The Roses 

Many of us today work long hours and rarely take time out, to literally smell the roses. Ironically, taking time out, enables us to not only stay healthy but can also be good for our creative side too. Some good ideas often arise after taking a walk, reading, gardening, cycling, meditating, or a run.

Many of us working on startups can easily work 15-20 hours per day. Often this is necessary for business survival however, we must also listen to our bodies. An exhausted person is not easy to work with. Leaders who are able to have a balanced life, are better leaders to work with and lead healthier and often a better life. Hardworking people must never feel guilty about taking time off. However, we need to be disciplined about this and not be distracted. The opposite end is lazy people who do nothing but lead a leisurely life and then wonder why success does not simply fall on to their lap. Avoid, at all costs, such people; for they are contagious.

Of course, in the early years of a start-up, it is often all hands on deck and 15-20+ hour days but this is not sustainable. Leaders need to let their team(s) see them take time off as this then sends a message to all, that doing so is okay. We all need to take up hobbies that enable us to relax, even just for 30 minutes or during our lunch hour and we should not feel guilty about doing so. For as they say: All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy!”  To read more posts by Miriam, click HERE

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