Tess loved schools holidays, for she knew she would get a chance to visit her grandmother in the rural areas. Her grandmother reared many indigenous chickens. Apart...

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Tess loved schools holidays, for she knew she would get a chance to visit her grandmother in the rural areas. Her grandmother reared many indigenous chickens. Apart from enjoying the boiled eggs, Tess loved feeding the chickens. When it was announced that schools would be closing indefinitely owing to the Covid19 pandemic, she rasked her parents to allow her to go and live with her grandmother and they obliged.

When Tess got there, she was so excited for she found her favourite hen had been brooding and the chicks had hatched. They were so beautiful and adorable and Tess made the mistake of trying to hold one of them. The mother hen naturally protects its chicks, risking even it’s life. So when it saw Tessy trying to catch one of its chicks, it reacted violently and pecked her on the hand drawing some blood. Her screams brought her grandmother rushing out of the house and immediately she knew what had transpired. It was a this point that she explained to Tess. “Brooding hens are very violent and protective when with their chicks and any attempt to touch one, will draw a violent reaction because the mother hen thinks the chick is in danger so keep off  until the chicks are mature.

There is a very important lesson we can gain from the analogy above. We have heard people fighting or even going to court, one claiming the other stole their idea or plans. Ideas and plans, like young chicks, are very sensitive and need to be protected by all means necessary. Avoid exposing or sharing them with everybody. They can be stolen or sabotaged very easily. Never trust anybody with your dreams and/or aspirations and always do a background check of the person you are getting advice or mentorship from. Work on your dream in silence and secrecy and let your results speak on your behalf.  To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

Photo credit: Needpix.com

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