Brian walked into the house tired and dejected. It had been a tough day which ended in a heartbreaking note after he realized he had missed out...

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Brian walked into the house tired and dejected. It had been a tough day which ended in a heartbreaking note after he realized he had missed out on his dream job. His father made it worse when he asked the question he had been dreading. “Did you get the job?”

Brian didn’t know what to say, for he had visited all this upon himself. His delay in sending the application letter despite his father’s insistent reminders, had seen him miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime. He knew his father would not rest until he had gotten the response that he wanted. Brian only had one option; to tell his father the truth.”

“Father, I am sorry. My application arrived a day late and the position has been offered to somebody else who handed in her application earlier. ” His ather didn’t look up from the newspaper he was reading but gave him a simple yet heart piercing response: “I am not surprised Brian. You ignored my reminders and this was the only expected outcome. Go rest well because tomorrow I am taking you to the metal forgers.”

Early the following morning, Brian and his father headed to forgers yard right to where the metal bars were heated to almost melting point before being hammered into the shape the artisans wanted. Then in a fatherly tone, Richard (Brian’s father), gave him some simple advice “The only way for these forgers to get the shapes & outcomes they want, is to strike the iron while its red hot because at that juncture, it’s been softened by the heat. My son, life too is like that. If you don’t seize an opportunity when it is presented to you then somebody more discerning will rush in, grab it and run with it, leaving you with regrets.

Sometimes life offers a chance only once but once is enough if we make proper utilisation of the chance that’s been offered to us. Nobody has a monopoly over opportunities in life. It embraces the person who opens his/her door and welcomes it in. so if you forget everything you’ve learned today, don’t forget this “Always strike the iron while it’s hot.”  Procrastination is both a thief and a killer of dreams and visions so avoid it at all cost. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE 

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