Hello, my name is Opportunity. Yes, you may claim never to have met me but I know you very well; for I have...

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Hello, my name is Opportunity. Yes, you may claim never to have met me but I know you very well; for I have knocked on your door many a time, yet you have kept it closed. I see instead, that you seem to open your door wide when my competitor, “Get Rich Quick” shows up in the form of spam, blog, business ideas, pyramid schemes, books, YouTube clips, or workshops.

Truth is, “Get Rich Quick” is not my competitor; for he/she promises to make you rich with little to no effort, whereas I do not. Instead, I tell you that success can be yours but only through hard work, determination and self belief. Get Rich however, promises to make you rich instantly, and perhaps that is why you fall for his/her promises time and time again. My question is, where has this got you? You’ve read the books, spent money on tools that are supposed to have helped you get rich, you’ve attended the talks, you’ve watched the YouTube videos and yet, you have still not moved forward.

So, my friend, try another strategy. Look around you and give Opportunity a chance. I am everywhere: at home, at school, in the park, on the bus. I came in all shapes and forms; as a person, car, food, building, painting, conversation, a baby, an animal or even a gadget. Look around you; I am there. When you see me, ask yourself this: what opportunity does this pose? What problem does this opportunity solve?

For like the Creator, opportunity is everywhere. Just look and open the door. See what is inside and see what you can achieve. 

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