‘Tell Me What You Did Today, And I’ll Tell You Who You Are’ By Miriam Mukasa

You describe yourself as a person of faith, although your actions speak otherwise. You describe yourself...

2015 0
2015 0

You describe yourself as a person of faith, although your actions speak otherwise.

You describe yourself as Hardworking but your actions speak otherwise.

You describe yourself as Ambitious and yet your actions speak otherwise.

You say you want to be Successful but your actions speak otherwise.

You say you want to Be Fit, lose weight, eat healthy, but your actions speak otherwise.

So who are you trying to kid, You or Us?

My friend, instead of constantly talking about it, why not Just Do It?  Or better yet, let your actions speak for themselves. For when one is any of the above, they need not go around proclaiming it. Your actions speak far louder than your words. Be the man/woman you proclaim to be and let the public decide for themselves, through the actions that you take. Posting on social media, does not make you that person. Leaving your house and taking action does. So, I say once again, tell me what you did today and I’ll tell you who you are. To read more posts by Miriam, click HERE

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