‘BEWARE OF YOUR REACTION’ By Danstan Wasobokha

A snake entered a Carpentry Shop, and as it crawled to the corner, it went through a saw and hurt itself. At that time he...

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A snake entered a Carpentry Shop, and as it crawled to the corner, it went through a saw and hurt itself. At that time he turned and bit the saw, and while biting the saw,  hurt itself in the mouth. 

Then, not understanding what was happening to him and thinking that saw was attacking him, he decided to roll around the saw as if wanting to suffocate it with his whole body, and shaking with all his strength. It was so, unfortunately, the snake ended up being killed by the saw.


Sometimes we react in anger, thinking about hurting those who hurt us, when we are in actual effect, hurting ourselves. In life, sometimes it is better to ignore situations, people and offences because the consequences can be irreversible and catastrophic.  It is always better to act in love even if it costs a lot, in the face of hate or idle words!  To read more posts, click HERE

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