Terry had, from a young age, been fascinated by nature and mostly birds. She loved all the TV programs which featured animals. Terry was born and brought...

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Terry had, from a young age, been fascinated by nature and mostly birds. She loved all the TV programs which featured animals. Terry was born and brought up in the urban areas where most of these areas were built up. She longed for holidays, for she knew that she would be spending them at her grandparents’ home. Her grandparents home was near a forest and her grandfather, a former environmentalist, had a soft spot for nature.

Terry had learnt so much from her grandfather to the point where she felt her future life would be spent conserving the environment. Her sad moment was when the holidays ended and she had to go back to her urban home. She even at one time, asked her grandfather whether she could take some birds with her back to town but her grandfather warned her it was against the law. Then out of a child’s curiosity, she asked her grandfather why there were so many birds in his compound but none in her parent’s compound back in town. It is at this point that her grandfather explained to her that wild animals have specific types of environment where they thrive well and for birds, they love places with trees for they provide them with places to make nests, safety and in some instances, food. Deep in her heart she purposed something: In the small spaces back in her parents’ compound, she would plant trees so that she could enjoy the sight of birds near her.

So many of us have hearts like Terry. We want birds in our lives though not the physical ones. We want birds of good life, success, healthy bodies, good grades in school, promotion at work and yet we don’t want to plant the trees to attract the birds. You cannot have good grades in class if you don’t study hard. You cannot expect promotion at work if you are lazy and never complete your assignments in time or show up to work late. You cannot expect to be healthy yet eat junk foods and never take time to exercise. Good things in life don’t just happen. They are attracted by the things we do or don’t do. So for that good thing that you so much want in life, ask yourself whether you have planted the right kind of trees. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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