WHEN A MAN MATURES By Mitchell Odhiambo

When I was younger, I was very opinionated and easily irked. I would pass judgement on people very quickly and convince myself into...

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When I was younger, I was very opinionated and easily irked. I would pass judgement on people very quickly and convince myself into believing these prejudices. I was very naïve, to say the least. I believed everything that people told me. Even when their actions were contrary, I would justify what they did to enforce what they said. Now that I am older, not so much.

I pay very little attention to what people say compared to the weight I attach to people’s behavior. I am not quick to pass judgment nor do I believe everything that is said. I am more tolerant and more observant before I pass judgment on someone. I am just as opinionated although perhaps less vocal about it and more tolerant as well.

There are behaviours that used to annoy me. When I think about them today, I think I was being petty. If I am unimpressed by someone, I do have the liberty to ignore them as opposed to whine irreparably about their barbaric behavior. I have come to prioritize my health, my peace of mind and my happiness index.

I am very conservative with my energy and more concerned with optimization of my energy levels. I will pick my battles, pick my conversations, pick my friends according to what I find rewarding and most promising. Whenever we have disagreements, I will pick it up with you almost instantly to quell it down and find a pragmatic solution. I cannot afford unnecessary baggage. I am trying to live a remarkable life so I can give the best of my time and the greatest of my strengths to the people I love and those who love me back.

I have learnt to balance my energies, to control my emotions, not to abuse myself or to exploit others. Life is a wonderful teacher. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective, please read Mercy’s post titled: When a Woman matures


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