Male Perspective on ‘TOLERANCE’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

Men and women have different tolerance levels, no doubt. I find that women have extremely great thresholds and accommodate a whole lot more,...

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Men and women have different tolerance levels, no doubt. I find that women have extremely great thresholds and accommodate a whole lot more, compared to what men can handle. Men especially cholerics have a very low tolerance for things they do not like. They will walk away or shut you down the minute they feel you’re overstepping and that will be the end of it

Women on the other hand are receivers; they are incubators. I guess that is why they take in a whole lot more than men do. If you were to examine the nature of relationships, the woman is more often than not, willing to shelf her own dreams to accommodate her husband’s. She will tolerate him and his ills to keep the house in peace and will gradually work to change what she finds unimpressive.

I wonder how many men could do that especially to those extremes. Men could call you out in an instant. “Hey bro, I don’t like it. Don’t do that again” and if you don’t yield, action may follow suit, if not the choice of words coming your way henceforth, will certainly be a lot harsher.

Cognizant of these differences in my opinion, men ought to learn to be a bit more accommodative and we could all help them in that. Different persons have different tolerance levels. You should make an effort to understand how deep each person’s threshold goes in your social circle and that will guide you in to knowing how far is too far. Master this and you will have meaningful relationships left, right and centre.

Before I lay down my pen, I’d like to remind our men, that the woman who has great tolerance is an incubator. You may not harvest the results of your words or actions immediately but soon you will see the effects and when that happens, you will be reminded with accurate detail; the date, the time and the location when you initiated the chain reaction then by interest, you will receive back what you gave her multiplied.

We need to be careful how we relate with one another. Let us engage & treat each other guided by knowledge. Until we speak again, I am your host, Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please read my colleague Mercy’s post HERE

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