In my circle of friends, women appear to be far more excited by surprises than men. They’re actively involved in the planning and execution and seemingly more delighted by the thrill thereof. Men, on the other hand, seem not to care. Surprise or no surprise, what’s the difference? To tell you the truth, you could only engage them in surprises if there’s a woman involved. That’s enough motivation. Is it the same with your friends? Tell me.
The scenario above begs the question. Is this the same across all humans? Could this be one of the distinct differences we share as humans? Imagine a bunch of men, silently planning to surprise a dude for his birthday party. How? Unbelievable
Where a woman is involved, I accept there is motivation and reason to be meticulous especially if you’re interested in her. An emerging trend we see with proposals for example, suggests that if she does not see it coming, the greater the bonus points and the more romantic and memorable the experience will be. Unless, of course, she says No to your advances as happened to a colleague whose rejection went viral. A moment of silence for the fallen soldier and all those folks he represents.
For the reason that our lady friends, value surprises I would suggest our gents to employ the art. No one enjoys mundane work, monotony or being single colour. When you spice up your love life or your social circle with a series of surprises, the bond would be greater and far more impactful.
However, I would never suggest you throw another man a surprise. I just don’t get it. If there are women involved, absolutely. But if only men, that’s inconceivable. I would want to send a special shout out to all men who have mastered the art of surprises and are using this in their favour. You are ultra legends. To the rest in development phase, you are legendary. You’re getting there. Do women really like surprises? Get a direct ticket to a woman’s eye-view by check out my colleague Mercy’s article HERE