One of the biggest fear that holds us back is the fear of failure or wondering,” what if I don’t have what it takes?” But did you...

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One of the biggest fear that holds us back is the fear of failure or wondering,” what if I don’t have what it takes?” But did you know that what matters is the belief that you CAN, far more than HOW you will?

I have learnt to say yes to challenges especially at school and at workplaces and this has pushed me to become curious and learn how to do things that I had no idea about. This curiosity and confidence I would say, has been one of my strengths and propeller towards my growth.

Not to confuse this with the “’know-it-all” attitude, believing that you can, is all about acknowledging that there is a lot to learn, and being more willing to push yourself towards achieving it. It is about trying and then using the outcome to gauge yourself.

For how long will we keep saying, “I don’t know how to do that,” or “that’s not my thing,” yet that is what is holding us back from achieving what we should?

How long will we keep saying,” so and so is smarter that’s why they can do this better than me”. Is it that they are smarter or is it that they are more than willing to go the extra mile?

The next time you find yourself blaming your IQ in a situation where you cannot fulfill a task, remember that your “I can” is more important than your “IQ    To get a male perspective on this, check out Mitchell’s post HERE

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