It is a tragedy and is common knowledge that the universe is filled with very intelligent human beings who are frustrated and many fools who are in...

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It is a tragedy and is common knowledge that the universe is filled with very intelligent human beings who are frustrated and many fools who are in positions of influence, for example in the political arena.

The irony being fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves, yet the wiser people are full of doubts. How that has worked out for the world today is evidence enough to reinforce the belief that “Your I can is more important than your IQ”

This life requires boldness and your willingness to confront issues head on. It does not require the explanation of things just as much as it does not guarantee the certainty of outcomes. What the universe does is, it conspires to help you to achieve what you have set out in your heart. If what you have set out to accomplish is destructive, nature self corrects, however more often than not, it will guide you along a path you will not regret.

As soon as you set out, there is a chance you will arrive at your destination, however if you don’t, there’s a 100% chance you won’t. Believing you can and going all out is what I would encourage a hundred times over. You will be wiser, you will have a scar, that’s for sure, your perspective will have depth to it and you will have understanding.

I know the purposes of a man’s heart are as deep waters but a man of understanding draws them out. What you have resolved in your heart to do, set out to do. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, check out Mercy’s post HERE

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