‘Are you ready?’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

Often we make prayer and requests to see certain things take effect in our lives. We have certain desires but are you really ready for these? Are you...

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Often we make prayer and requests to see certain things take effect in our lives. We have certain desires but are you really ready for these?

Are you prepared for the opportunity when it presents itself? Will you run with it?

It is often said, luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation; for you will seize the moment and make the best out of it. Take it upon yourself to always prepare for the desires of your heart.

Begin by reading books about that, perform simulations about that. We see it in the military or among the pilots, where simulations are done to mimic real life scenarios, so when met with a situation as such, you are instinctively ready, your instincts are sharpened and you are ready to salvage the moment. Adopt the same attitude with your life.

Keep on keeping on, because life does not follow a linear pattern, you might not see outwardly the effects but the minute the underlying current gets to critical mass, change will happen abruptly and suddenly and often that is how history changes.

Prepare your troops, engage your artillery, sharpen your tools, and march towards the goal you envision. Anticipate all possible scenarios and make a contingency for that, then have fun while at it. Always remember to have fun. Laugh at yourself, celebrate the victories and make it all memorable.

Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s new world. To get a female perspective on this, check out Mercy’s post HERE

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