‘IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT ME!’ By Mercy Karumba

When applying for a position somewhere, the kind of attitude we have is that we are the best and we try all that we can,...

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When applying for a position somewhere, the kind of attitude we have is that we are the best and we try all that we can, to prove this as true even as we go for that interview.

As humans, we often replicate this attitude in to our relationship(s) where we go in thinking that we are the best man/woman that can ever be, and that our spouse is more than lucky to be in a relationship with us.

This ‘perfect man/woman’ mentality soon turns out to be a frustration when within no time, our flaws are brought to the surface and we cannot help but realize that we are not as perfect as we thought and it then dawns on us that ”It’s not all about me, after all!”

Every relationship, be it romantic, parental, work colleagues or, business partnership, demands consideration of the other parties involved and this may sometimes mean, putting their needs first. The moment we realize that we are not perfect and that we need the other person more than we realise, we are then able to put our pride aside and instead, focus on how to collaborate. Growing up can be equated to a child who learns that they need to learn how to collaborate rather than throwing tantrums when they want something, how many of us are tired of adulthood already? (lol)

As the good book reminds us,” Do not think of yourself more than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgement….”   To get a male perspective on this, check out Mitch’s post HERE

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