This life is a journey that behoves us to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals. Make sure the people you call friends genuinely challenge you to be a better...

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This life is a journey that behoves us to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals.

Make sure the people you call friends genuinely challenge you to be a better version of yourself. Be friends with men and women that inspire you and evoke the desire to break the boundaries.

We live in a treacherous world and because of what awaits us out here, it is imperative that we be careful and choosy with those we have as our support system. Carefully consider those whom you let into the details of what is going on in your life. Some people are dream and ambition killers, avoid them at all costs.

When life knocks you down, have your people to grieve with you, to encourage you, to pick your up, dust you off and help you soldier on in your journey as they cheer you on. That is the kind of energy and squad that you need. I wouldn’t advise you to go broadcasting your downfalls to all and sundry. There are those who will cover your nakedness. Those are your people, keep them close.

It is important as well to have those who will call you out when you go astray. It helps no man to be surrounded by people who always praise your decisions. Also give ear to those who challenge your choices and weigh the merit of their voices. Shun what is unproductive and heed what is meant to build and develop.

Do not be like a fool who takes no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinion. Take heed of the voices around, for with a multitude of counsellors, there is safety. Have your mentors, friends, partners who keep you accountable and help you keep your life in focus vis-a-vis your goals. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, check out Mercy’s post HERE

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