It is said that in life, you may not be able to choose what you go through, but you have the choice as to who, you go...

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It is said that in life, you may not be able to choose what you go through, but you have the choice as to who, you go through it with.

I was recently listening to a Women’s talk by Holly Furtick, and she was talking about the Support System-Overcoming Loneliness and Building Friendships! This really challenged me and made me examine my own support system.

Whom do you call when something good happens to you? Who comes to mind when you receive that good news? Whom do you know will listen and not judge you when you are at your worst? Who will hold your hand and be with you when you have lost so much? Do we have friends who rebuke us and we know that they are not just being critics but actually mean it? Do we have those friends who are always there during our low times even when nothing can be done?

Sometimes we opt to withdraw and disconnect from everyone in a bid to heal or get over things. We really don’t want to admit that we need help, but it is crucial to have that one person going through this tough time with you. That person who celebrates with you in good times and is genuinely happy for you when you are happy. That person who spells the facts to you and you know you are not making the right decision. That person(s) who is real with you. Who do you choose to go through it with you, whether good or bad?

How strong is your support system? Do you still feel supported? Remember, you were not created to go through this life alone. To get a male perspective on this, please check out my Mitch’s post HERE 

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