‘SPEAK UP’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

Communication is the lifeblood that keeps relationships alive. It is to your union, what oxygen is to fire, without it, fire will burn out, even...

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Communication is the lifeblood that keeps relationships alive. It is to your union, what oxygen is to fire, without it, fire will burn out, even where the fire is alive, a reduction of oxygen content will dim out the lights, and soon the dying embers of wood will be snuffed out of life.

Make it your lead life ambition to keep your communication lines open, Let your partner know what is going on. Are you happy; let them know without fear. Are you disappointed, communicate that without fail and you will have yourself a delightful union.

Master the art and build your paradise as a master builder. Consider the tone of your voice and body language as you communicate. See to it that you do not come across as domineering, commandeering or condescending. Put things aside and concentrate fully on what your partner is saying or passing across, devoid of flaws. Communicate what you desire your partner to understand from you.

Make it a culture not to let the daylights set while you harbour feelings of discontent or remorse in your heart. Be quick to communicate that. Strike it while the memories are fresh however, be keen to observe your attitude at the time. If you are angered, you are better off waiting for things to cool down but schedule a time to address it, lest you go to bed unexpressed.

Such emotions are dangerous when built up within. The pent up energy has the potential to one day explode or cause you complications within. Imagine a can of soda, it is cool and chilly, however if its peace is disturbed or shaken repeatedly, it may look cool on the outside, however once the energy is built up within, it is lethal. If let out, it will exit the can in ways beyond what you would expect. If not let out deliberately, the pent up energy has the capacity to destroy the can and explode its way out.

That allegory is akin to the human behavior. I would therefore encourage us to always speak up but, to do so  gently. Be ye slow to speak, eager to listen, and patient with correction and instructing one another. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please check out Mercy’s post HERE

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