A house is made up of many components and all play an important role but two of its components rank way up; the door and the windows....

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A house is made up of many components and all play an important role but two of its components rank way up; the door and the windows. But among these two, the door is more important. You may have a very nice house but if doesn’t have a door, its security is already compromised. You never feel safe if the door is faulty. The door is the one that gives anybody who wants to get into the house, access.

The door cannot operate well if one more important component is missing: THE HINGE. This is where the door turns on. The hinge gives the door fluid rotation. If the hinge is removed or becomes faulty through rust or wear and tear, that door becomes useless. It cannot fulfil its purpose.

Our lives are like a door and in whatever field we may be in,  whether business, school, relationship or even religion, we need to have that one thing that gives us fluid and ease of movement. We need to have a sort of anchor or hinge over which our lives rotate. Whatever we choose must be carefully and well thought out because it will determine whether we will be successful. The best “Hinge” we can ever have is our character. If our character is well developed, we can be sure our lives and business will continue well. We need to oil our characters will, to avoid our lives stalling midstream.   I still leave you with this question: On what does your life rotate around? To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

Photo credit – fineartamerica.com

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