On ‘LOVE AND FOOD’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

I have learnt something rather interesting during the time frame I have dated my fiancée. Whenever she’s in a foul mood or has low energy,...

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I have learnt something rather interesting during the time frame I have dated my fiancée. Whenever she’s in a foul mood or has low energy, food works miraculously. Soon after she has eaten, she brightens up, gets all bubbly and joyous and all of a sudden, is in a better mood already. Miraculous. Who would have thought food could do that?

What role does food play in love and dating? Is it important to you that your woman/man cooks for you? Is it important for you as a woman/man that your man/woman eats your food?

I was once told women don’t just cook for any man. If a single woman takes it upon her to make you food, you occupy a special place in her heart and once you have accepted the meal, you my friend have accepted her charms and are likely in a relationship already. How true is this my dear friends?

Food is normally what we opt for when we want to make real progress in a conversation. Would you ever meet your partner and not eat? Actually, have you ever done that? You just sat and talked or went out to a movie and did not eat anything?

Sometimes it happens to us men; our ladies decline to order food citing being full or having no appetite, however when we order our food, our women end up eating it all. And we love them for that. Likely this is the reason men enjoy bitter sweet drinks e.g. Ginger Ale, Stoney Tangawizi drinks which normally women would not be a fan of. At least we have some things which we can enjoy for ourselves lol.

What role does food play in your relationship? Let me know below. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, please read Mercy’s post HERE

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