On ‘LOVE AND FOOD’ By Mercy Karumba

The role of food in a relationship is one that cannot be ignored. I can say there's power and a certain joy that comes with sharing food. I...

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The role of food in a relationship is one that cannot be ignored. I can say there’s power and a certain joy that comes with sharing food.

I once believed that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” I call it a partial lie because even as women, our hearts are ‘at stake’ when we find that man who knows what we love, and makes sure he either takes you on a date or surprises you with it. That’s when the phrase,” I am not hungry, ” or,” I have no appetite,” is thrown out the window.

Just a simple tip, for single guys out there: The secret is, know what she loves and let this be your secret weapon of love. She might even lose her focus in an argument when you give her, her favourite food. Lol

Women are experts at identifying her man’s favourite meal and preparing this for him. As long as it’s a man who is grateful, this has been known to work magic. When she does that for you, please get the hint and appreciate her, affirming her on every bite.

Food therefore plays a critical role in relationships, what is your experience?  To get a male perspective on this, check out Mitchell’s post HERE

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