Now more than ever before, the world has become very health conscious and everything that involves human beings, be it food, clothes, property, institutions of...

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Now more than ever before, the world has become very health conscious and everything that involves human beings, be it food, clothes, property, institutions of learning, institutions of health, are under almost total surveillance to make sure, there is nothing that can have a negative impact on the health of the people. A lot of money is being poured into studies and development of health boosting programs and products.

There are some places where, when you pay a visit, you have to be sanitized before entering and, before exit. This is to make sure you don’t carry any disease causing pathogens both in or out. A good example is when you enter a surgery room, units for newborn babies or even for the farmers that rear chicks, piglets, rabbits or young calves. This just shows how much they value their ventures. Some of them treat these with almost sanctuary reverence. To them, these area are almost sacred.

Every single one of us alive has a destiny and nobody can achieve it for us. We have to put in 100% effort if we want to reach the final destination. Destiny should be handled well because it is very sensitive. We need to go out there fully sanitized. In the same way that we have disease causing pathogens, so too, do our destinies have dangerous “pathogens” which can very easily kill our dreams and milestones. These include a negative attitude, negative self talk – all toxic.

Friends, procrastination, laziness, short cuts and quick fixes. Our thoughts provide the fuel to push us to our destiny so they need to be very clean. If we are not careful, the poison can derail and finally kill our dreams so they should be sterilized at all times day and night. If you haven’t  been making any progress in life, check the quality of your thoughts. That’s where all problems emanate from. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

Photo Credit: Ecolabs

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