The famous phrase, "I will start next year."Most of us are guilty of this, aren't we? But if we are like most people, setting New...

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The famous phrase, “I will start next year.”Most of us are guilty of this, aren’t we? But if we are like most people, setting New Year resolutions is easier than keeping them. Some of us have simply given up on New Year resolutions. However, there are things we promised ourselves and others that we shall start next year.The Question is, have you started yet?

The Savings goals you promised to work on from January, have you started yet?

The Weight management techniques and proper eating habits you promised to implement, have you started yet?

The Waking up early and using time wisely each day, have you started yet?

That Business idea you promised to work on starting January, have you started yet?

That Book you said you would work on and publish, have you started yet?

You promised to be more of a Reader, Have you started yet?

That Song, you have been singing and all you need is to go and record, have you started this project yet?

Being intentional in your relationships, and all the promises you promised to keep, have you started yet?

January comes with a lot of new beginnings and New Year resolutions, but likewise, it is accompanied by a lot of self-disappointment. For some of us, procrastination is our biggest enemy and we end up pushing some of these things to the next year. The issue is not failing to achieve, the issue is failing to start.

A step in the right direction doesn’t have to be a big one, and the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That one step of faith is all you need to achieve what you set out to do, this year. Many days have gone by already, we have gone through tough times this January already, but is it too late? No it is definitely not! 

 Have you started yet? Whether the answer is yes or no, Start as soon as now!  Remember, “You don’t have to be Great to start, but you have to start to be great – Zig Zaglar. To get a male perspective on this, please read Mitchell’s post HERE 


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