HAVE YOU STARTED YET? By Mitchell Odhiambo

Many of us underestimated January and expected it to have the usual 91 days. Shock on us this time it came along different. We are...

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Many of us underestimated January and expected it to have the usual 91 days. Shock on us this time it came along different. We are nearly at the end of the month and have overcome a lot of setbacks as a country. God bless our security forces and give comfort to those who lost their loved ones in the recent Dusit D2 attack. We stay united as a nation, resilient and strong. We are Kenyans; united we shall overcome all evil that arises against us.

With barely a week left before we are in to February, have you started off on the ideals and goals you set out for yourself at the time of making your New Year resolutions? We are now in week 4 of the 52 weeks of 2019. Have you started yet?

It is important to outline your goals for the year and measure them up against set timelines. Even better with an accountability partner/tool to see to it that you are committed to your course and are leaving no stones unturned.

I saw a remark on Twitter with someone saying; “It’s week 3 of our 52 week challenge and I’m already behind on my goals. I’ll start over Next year; only 350 days to go. Lol.” Funny perhaps but truth is, you still have enough time to start over. You can learn from the mistakes of January and roll up your sleeves. Go ahead and revise your plans to kick off in February, should you find you are falling behind schedule.

Let’s step up and bring our dreams to life. This is that year. We leave nothing behind; we bounce back from adversity as we soldier on. We keep moving forward with an unwavering spirit. Start folks. Start. Until we speak again I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, check out Mercy’s post HERE

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