“Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me” By Anne Gathoni

It is often said that once bitten, twice shy. Meaning that if something were to happen to you the first time, you would...

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It is often said that once bitten, twice shy. Meaning that if something were to happen to you the first time, you would be more cautious the second time around; less likely to have the same thing happening again.

The wisemen, not sure who they were or still are, also said, ‘Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice, then shame on me.’ A fair enough quote. If someone were to pull one on you the first time, then it would be their fault. But if they were to get you again, then you really cannot blame them.

So this brings me to the issue of just how many times can one forgive the same misstep; the same wrong? People believe in second chances…fair enough. But what about third and fourth ones? When is it evident that the other party is not as willing as you, to change? I suppose it all boils down to how much you value them.

Is it enough that you are willing to take in all that you are dealt, over and over again? Or is that not reason enough to get played the fool so often?  To read more posts by Anne, click HERE

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