‘Hang in there, Things Will work Out Fine’ By Gertrude Nyatichi

A story is told about a daughter who was complaining to her mother that everything was going wrong in her life. She was...

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A story is told about a daughter who was complaining to her mother that everything was going wrong in her life. She was failing in her mathematics units; her best friend was moving away and her friend’s parents were in the middle of a divorce.

Meanwhile, her mother was baking a cake and asked her if she would like some. The daughter accepted the offer with excitement because she loved her mother’s baking. Their conversation was as follows:

Mother: Here, have some cooking oil.

Daughter: Yuck!

Mother: How about a couple of raw eggs?

Daughter: Gross, Mom!

Mother: Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?

Daughter: Mom, those are all yucky!

Satisfied with her reactions, the mother smiled and replied, I know all these things seem bad by themselves. But when they are put together in the right order and the right proportions, they make a wonderful delicious cake.


Many a time, we find ourselves in distress, we ponder about the actions we have taken, we question ourselves as to what we did to deserve situations we find ourselves in or the turn that our lives have taken. We wonder why bad things are happening to us but don’t realize that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it is just a matter of taking on the challenge and putting everything in order. Once in order, things will always work for  the good and produce desired results. so hang on in there. To read more posts by Gertrude, click HERE


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