Human beings naturally love easy things and any struggle is always avoided. We tend to love the easier things in life; the beaten path and...

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Human beings naturally love easy things and any struggle is always avoided. We tend to love the easier things in life; the beaten path and the tried and tested methods. It is natural to fear and avoid pain but the tricky part is that nothing good comes easy. There is a lot of toiling and sweating, sleepless nights and early mornings, skipped lunches and forgotten tea breaks. All these are landmarks found on the path to success.

I took some time to study the lives of those considered successful in the world today and even in the past and I was shocked to learn what some of them had to go through. Silvester Stallone was once a homeless man on the streets with nothing but a dog to his name and yet now, he is among the most celebrated actors. Abraham Lincoln lost in six elections, failed in business and had a nervous breakdown before finally becoming the President of the USA. The late Steve Jobs was fired from his own company. These and many more, are classic examples of what the path to success is like.

Easy and success appear together only in the dictionary. We have heard about cases of young people dying some very strange deaths and it is sad because when you trace the genesis of all this, it has ingredients of “looking for the easy way up.”  We need to teach ourselves the importance of working hard, not fearing the pain of both physical and mental workout for it is only by that, shall we build strong muscles for the task ahead. 

NB: The path to success is all the way up, and you can never have a well toned body without the pain of working out. The path of growth is painful but in the end, rewarding. Choose the path of pain, which in turn, leads to the path of growth. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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