‘HURT’ By Gertrude Nyatichi

Hurt was registered all over his face, the look in those eyes meant he did not want to speak with anyone. But how...

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Hurt was registered all over his face, the look in those eyes meant he did not want to speak with anyone. But how will he manage the pain if left alone? His sister jumped from her seat and gave him a tight hug. He broke down and all he could utter was, “Why me?”

“It will be well Carl” the sister comforted him but down her cheeks, tears flowed. She was hurt too. She could not bear seeing her little brother in such pain. They had lost their mother, the only parent they had got to know and now Carl had lost his best friend and confidant. She departed when he wanted her the most and now his heart ached.

“Ouch! That is real pain right there. Who can bear such?” My sister uttered and that is when I realized tears were flowing down my cheeks. I could not understand how merciless life could be. It was one emotional movie I ever got to watch and it took my mind miles away.

Where do broken hearts go? Why additional pain on the brokenhearted? I couldn’t help but wonder. Life can become very tough sometimes and even that dim light at the end of the tunnel gets dimmer. It can be dark and will seem to get even darker. It takes extra strength and extra will to rise from the fall. It might be hell, it might be paralyzing but the will to live and see what tomorrow lights, the tiny spark of light, deep inside and ignites the want to get there.

It will never be soft; the skin will definitely get scratches. The feet will be injured and it will be very weary. It is a journey of a thousand miles full of road blocks that only the strong willed get through. It is only those that strive to keep the fire burning that get to manage. The world breaks everyone; some are strong at the broken places – Ernest Hemingway. To read more posts by Gertrude, click HERE

Photo Credit: Delmariehines.com

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  1. boniface mbithi       Reply

    nice article