Love is indeed a strong emotion. It supersedes anger, it overcomes happiness, it goes beyond hatred and even sadness. Love makes us look at life...

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Love is indeed a strong emotion. It supersedes anger, it overcomes happiness, it goes beyond hatred and even sadness. Love makes us look at life beyond ourselves as we consider the other person more. Love makes us forgive the unforgivable even when we had sworn never to tolerate some things.

Love brings reconciliation even when the other person least deserves it. Love makes you blind to the faults and imperfections of the other person and instead, focuses at the good. Love seeks to make the other person a better version of themselves rather than bringing them down.   

Love will indeed make you travel miles from your comfort zone just to drown the empty feeling you have when you are away from the one who means the most to you. Love will make a mother sleep hungry so the child can have the little that is left. Love will make a father give the last coin in his wallet so his son can have an education. Love will make a man walk home because he spent his savings on his girl on a date. Love will make a woman who has had a long day at work still have the grace to cook for her family. Love has made people pay for the sins of their spouses to the point of risking jail. The question is, how far should it go? We judge and ask, “how stupid could she be?”But in the same situation, how would we behave?

Love is a strong emotion that makes choosing, a difficult task. If asked to choose between your biological family and your spouse, who do you choose? You love them all, but differently. At one point or other, we have all sacrificed something because of love. Some of us have had to move from our comfort zone in order to unite with a spouse, some of us have sacrificed something we treasure to please our parents. Some of us have cast away our dreams to raise our children. It is difficult for anyone else to understand why we do what we do, as love is that emotion we can never explain.

As the good book says, three things remain: Faith, Hope, and Love and the greatest of them all is love.  To get a male perspective on ‘Love is a strong emotion’ please read Mitch’s post HERE

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