‘LOVE IS A STRONG EMOTION’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

I read a book this past week that goes by the name ;Hunger Games;. The theme surrounds a series of districts that were held hostage...

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I read a book this past week that goes by the name ;Hunger Games;. The theme surrounds a series of districts that were held hostage by the Capitol Hill and every once in a year, the 12 districts send a son and a daughter to square it out in the arena until death. Only one victor was allowed back home with gifts and wealth for surviving the deadly fete. In the account, a man and a woman from District 12 carried the day and love was the force that kept them going and love was the reason they connected to their audience.

Despite the rage, animosity and deaths, love was the dominant theme. That’s how they connected to their audience. I as a reader as well, the force of love is what I remember. The longing to be reunited with their families back at home, the voluntary appeal by the woman to go to the group of death arena on behalf of her little sister, the crush the man had on the girl that got him to form alliances to keep her safe and that got both parties risking their lives for each other. How strong is love? It must be stronger than death

In our country as well, we are familiar about an account before a court of law where a woman’s throat was slit and the suspects were arraigned in court. One of the arrested parties has let it be known that she is not guilty of killing anyone; her only guilt is falling in love. It is love that drove her crazy and had her on the defensive, ready to defend her fiancé at the time. How strong is love I ask? What would you do for love?

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it; if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would be utterly condemned. I wish you find love. Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on ‘Love is a strong emotion’ please read Mercy’s post HERE

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