On ‘EVALUATING ONESELF’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

It is rare for humans to reflect on who they are and who they have become. Though very easy to live constantly on...

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It is rare for humans to reflect on who they are and who they have become. Though very easy to live constantly on the go, always thinking about tomorrow. If you were to advise yourself fifteen years ago, what would you tell that younger self? Knowing what you know now, what would you advise your younger version if you met them at the beginning of 2018?

It is imperative that you regularly evaluate the progress you have made and celebrate the little things, while taking note of the lessons you have learnt. We almost live life on autopilot and that makes change very difficult to adapt to. You could learn a lesson but unless you are deliberate and have mechanisms to ensure, you embrace the lessons you have learnt, you are most likely to revert to your default setting. The latest upgrade requires technical support before it becomes the new norm.

This applies to relationships as well. To keep the love alive and relationship flourishing, it is good to have a review, whether every anniversary or on a monthly account, the frequency thereof is definitely at your discretion. That said, I would encourage you to regularly do that. This may actually save you men from the reminders that you don’t like hearing i.e. “Remember when you did this 15 years ago?”, “Remember when you did that, 15 years ago?”

This helps us to talk about the hard things, laugh at ourselves and make the necessary changes. We must also celebrate the little things. This is what life is all about.

Take 15 minutes and write a letter to yourself 15 years ago. Let your letter speak to that young man/woman. You will be surprised by what you learn

Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on this, check out my colleague Mercy’s post HERE 

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