Every project or product in the market normally goes through Monitoring and Evaluation to determine the success, setbacks and recommendations. We are also...

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Every project or product in the market normally goes through Monitoring and Evaluation to determine the success, setbacks and recommendations. We are also good at evaluating the people in our lives: what kind of friends are they? What value are they adding? How is their progress? Do they seem happy? The question is, are we also this honest about ourselves too?

Do we stand in the mirror and ask, who am I? Who is the real me? Have I been living to the standards and principles that I believe in? How fulfilled and happy am I? When I look at ‘me’ now, how am I doing as compared to 15 years ago and where will I be, 15 years from now? If I keep living the life I am living now, will I achieve what I want to accomplish?

It’s quite easy to judge others and you know even sit down to gossip about them. “Oh, look at her, she really looks stressed since she came back, I think all is not well in her life.” Then you go ahead and try and analyze why she may be stressed, despite not knowing the full facts. 

But do we ever sit down and have that ‘solo-conference’. That moment of true reasoning and truth about ourselves. We need to learn to be honest and ask our inner being the tough questions.

” Where did I want to be career wise, relationship wise, business wise at this age, and where am I now and why?” 

“What are some of the choices I am proud of and which ones do I regret?” 

Just like a product in the market, unless the consumer gives honest feedback, then the manufacturer may never produce the best quality nor will they then capture market share. Similarly, unless you are honest with yourself: about your purpose, dreams, joy, peace and mission in life, then you may never live your life to the fullest. It is also important to seek guidance from The Creator to know why you are on this earth in the first place then do a self assessment on a regular basis, to know how you are doing. To get a male perspective on this, check out my colleague Mitchell’s post HERE 

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