Mobile phones are one of the smartest and sustainable innovations in the world today.They have made the world smaller and love deeper beyond...

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Mobile phones are one of the smartest and sustainable innovations in the world today.They have made the world smaller and love deeper beyond boundaries.

Nowadays relationships can thrive well, no matter the distance, largely as a result of the power of communication.With the selfies,video calls and so forth, it seems we are unable to let go of the screen. So what is the impact of this on our relationships?

We are updated and are in touch; this is the best gift to the world as everyone wants to feel as close as possible to those they love. Remember our parents days when they would send letters that would take weeks to arrive? Imagine setting up a date a whole month before and agreeing where to meet, confirming the time and actually managing it? Does this sound unreal? I am sure it does. Nowadays, we tend to set up dates even on the same day or even randomly which is often a good thing (I think?).

However, the downside of it is that phones have made us liars: “I am almost there”, “I am stuck in traffic ” has become the order of the day. In addition, people are often living a lie on social media; it’s more about the number of likes, comments and followers, rather than meaningful relationships with the genuine people we have, around us.

We see relationships that thrive on social media more than they do in real life. We see people on a date and yet both are on their phones with no time for one another. It’s two sides of a coin; is your phone a negative or positive influence on your relationship? To get a male perspective on this, check out my colleague Mitch’s post HERE

Photo Credityourblackworld.net

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