‘On Random Opportunity’ By Anne Gathoni

Last year, I read a very funny story about two boys that taught me that there are always opportunities available, we just have...

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Last year, I read a very funny story about two boys that taught me that there are always opportunities available, we just have to be keen enough to spot them.

A police officer had found the perfect spot where he could hide and catch speeding motorists. It had always been that motorists on this particular route were known for their blatant disregard for speed limits and the officer was therefore keen on making an example of them.  So it therefore came as a surprise to him that everyone was driving within the speed limits. This puzzled him greatly and he decided to investigate this further.

To his astonishment, he found a young lad, barely ten years old, standing at the side of the road with a huge sign saying, “Radar trap ahead!”  A little further down the road, the boy’s accomplice was also on the road except this time, collecting ‘tips’ from all the drivers that had benefited from the warning. And my, did they have quite the sum!

So even in this peculiar situation, these two boys had found a way to make something out of it. So even as we complain about lack of opportunities, let us take time to really see, and to really spot chances that may be present themselves in the weirdest of ways, although of course as adults we always abide by the law. To read more posts by Anne, click HERE

Photo credit: Bossip

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