Being in a relationship is sometimes like handling a delicate, 'Handle With Care' package. There is so much involved and the heart and...

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Being in a relationship is sometimes like handling a delicate, ‘Handle With Care’ package. There is so much involved and the heart and feelings being the most delicate components of an individual.

Sometimes we think things under tight control, until we realize that we actually know nothing about love despite the experience(s), we think we have; the main reason being that your partner is a unique individual with unique needs.

Care comes in different forms.We can show care through acts of service, spending time with our partner, providing a listening ear (especially when they need it most), as well as crying and laughing together. It just means going out of our way to make his/her life easier.

Caring also means protecting. This does not necessarily mean the security protection. It means protecting him/her from getting hurt by us as well. For there are times when we act or say things that rub our significant  other, the wrong way. It it therefore our duty to protect their vulnerable heart and spirit. It also means protecting them from people and experiences that make them feel uncomfortable. If our partner feels insecure or uncomfortable in the company of some of our friends, then it is our duty to protect them and not make them feel guilty for how they feel.

She may be a pretty and independent woman but she still desires care and protection. He may be that strong man who is always fixing things, but he still has the desire to feel cared and loved. In this life, we never know what we have until we lose it/ So why not take this Chance and make the one you love, feel like they are the best they could ever be?  To get a male perspective on this, please read my colleague Mitch’s post HERE

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