On ‘BUILDING BRIDGES’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

Year 2017/18, Kenya has had a very competitive, very divisive electoral season that tore apart, the moral and social fabric of this country....

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Year 2017/18, Kenya has had a very competitive, very divisive electoral season that tore apart, the moral and social fabric of this country. Lives were lost, property destroyed, dangerous people on the loose, institutions threatened and talks of secession and revolutions filled the atmosphere. We began the year with the country at loggerheads and the attrition continued.

Fast forward on March 9th we had the historic handshake between the two key presidential contenders and there was a sigh of relief throughout the country. Tensions subsided and the building bridges initiative began to build a united nation and correct the wrongs that have ailed this country for long. Though we may not know everything that was discussed, I would like to commend our leaders for that move of restitution. This is the stuff of statesmanship and I wish the country all the best and all the honesty in the journey towards a progressive, prosperous nation.

This is also what I would recommend some of us to adopt in our personal lives and our relationships: to put old resentment behind us. I am aware life at times can get rough. You can harbor resentment and speak ill of your boss, your partner and this may make your life eternally sour and completely miserable.

In the spirit of reconciliation, I would advocate some of us to humble ourselves and go seek forgiveness. Extend that hand, it may just salvage your marriage and restore the joy and harmony that used to exist in your relationship. It may improve your performance at the workplace as your energy levels will thereafter be optimally utilized

It is a narrow rope and you may not be sure about it. Nevertheless just go on and restore the bridge. Some of you may have left your folks in bad taste. Perhaps it’s time that you go back and apologize. This may allow the flow of fresh water back into your life just like a river whose distributary reconnect to the source.

Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on Building Bridges, please read Mercy’s post HERE

Photo credit: http://www.kbc.co.ke

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