It is often said that birds of a feather flock together. Maybe they do this for companionship, or perhaps they do this for...

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It is often said that birds of a feather flock together. Maybe they do this for companionship, or perhaps they do this for their safety, such that as they migrate, they stand higher chances of making it to their destination than if they were to go it alone, or maybe they just don’t want to be alone. Point is, they need one other;  just as we all so; No man is an island!

WE all need someone, especially someone who gets us!  And by ‘someone who gets us’ I am not necessarily referring to lovers or such similarly intimate relationships. I mean friends; friends who are so close to us that they become more like siblings from other parents; our best friend(s). One may not get along with their own family (because we don’t choose family), however, with best friends, they are the family that you choose for yourself. Often you will find that one half of a best friend duo, mirrors the traits of the other, and with time, they become so intertwined, their behaviors and characters so similar to one another, that one may be unable to tell the originator of a certain behavior.

And so, at the beginning, a few common interests lead to a budding friendship, and as they grow closer, they discover more and more interests that they share. Then it gets to the point where the interests of one are almost automatically the interests of the other, even though this might not have been the case before the friendship. They start to use the same expressions in their speech, have the same facial expressions, and react the same to varied situations, even when they are not together. They end up becoming, birds of the same feather…

Photo credit: http://www.undergroundwineletter.com

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