We all live in this world and one thing that is true for all of us is that challenges will always come our...

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We all live in this world and one thing that is true for all of us is that challenges will always come our way and more often than not, they leave us disappointed and in serious emotional pain. This cuts across the divide from financial, relationships, social life, religion and even leadership. There is nothing as painful as putting all your hope in a person, process or any endeavour only to end up disappointed. This is usually so, if the person you have trusted turns out to be your source of pain.

This can be a romantic relationship, business or even a family member. Often, this happens to be people you would least expect to short change you. The pain is usually so intense that some people end up in depression, others even contemplate suicide or homicide. Few people are able to handle such a thing positively. There is nothing as difficult as accepting a betrayal.

We have many examples of people who used pain or disappointment to form the basis of their future success. For some, it was pain of poverty, for others the pain of rejection, while others, it is the pain of failure. I may sound controversial but there is no better motivator than pain. Yes, believe it or not, pain can motivate you to do exploits in life. Imagine someone who has grown up in extreme poverty. This person knows what lack of  is, so they will work extra hard to get out of that state. Someone who has been rejected because of one thing or another, will put extra efforts in to prove his/her detractors wrong.

Let us learn this one important lesson. Anything does not kill you makes you stronger. Any pain that does not kill you makes you stronger. In every painful situation, if you look positively, there are lessons that we can apply in life. Choose to see the value in the garbage instead of the smell. To read more posts by Mwangi, click HERE

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