I read the trending posts on social media on "who is more dramatic; mum or dad?"The examples are quite hilarious and some to the extreme...

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I read the trending posts on social media on “who is more dramatic; mum or dad?”The examples are quite hilarious and some to the extreme but I couldn’t help but agree. Most of us have really gotten tough love from our parents growing up.

This reminds me about a story a friend of mine shared on how she now has a habit of checking shopping bags each time someone buys anything new. Reason?  Her dad once came home with shopping but she was so glued to the T.V. that she didn’t even care to check out the contents in the bags. 

“You mean no one even cares to see what I have brought home or who I was even bringing for?” her dad asked. From thereonin, this is now her way to show excitement each time someone buys anything new.

My mum on the other hand, once punished me for actually getting too excited over shopping bags when they get home. I still remember that day. She had returned from the market where she had bought groceries and fruits. I was playing with my friends in the house. When she came in, I excitedly started unpacking the shopping. What did she do next? She gave away all the fruits and groceries to my friends leaving us with nothing. Lesson learnt: Never unpack shopping in front of visitors. 

Now that is all about parenting and the dramatic punishments we got as kids.I wonder who is more dramatic mum or dad? In a relationship setting, there is the more dramatic spouse. We often use the term ‘drama queen’ but we don’t have a ‘drama king’. Women and men respond quite differently to different situations. While women are said to be emotional beings and men logical beings, each decision has it’s own consequences. A woman will most likely act on the impulse of the moment, whereas a man will take longer to act but his action may have a longer lasting effect.  In your opinion, who is more dramatic; men or women?  To get a male perspective on this, check out my colleague Mitch’s post HERE 

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