Many a time, my friends and I have organised a meet up as a group or arranged to attend an event together. Often,...

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Many a time, my friends and I have organised a meet up as a group or arranged to attend an event together. Often, the conversation follows along the lines of:  “Guys, let’s plan to meet at 10am so people arrive by 11am latest.”

As a good timekeeper, you are probably wondering, ‘Why not then set the time for 11am? The reason for this is: setting it at 11am would mean people would have to be there earliest at half past 11 and you guessed right, it’s always the girls who are always late. Why is that? We all wonder.

The other day we were travelling as a group and it was so common to hear the ladies complaining that they didn’t have time to pack their luggage, whereas guys said that they only needed 5 minutes to stack their belongings in the bag. Will you allow us to attribute our need for more time as being attentive to details? Maybe 

The good thing about it is as a lady, arriving late is very much forgivable especially in our African culture. We wonder whether this is a problem due to lack of good planning or whether this is because we are perfectionists? It is so common to try out almost 5 or more outfits before finally settling on one, or taking a whole hour to put our make-up on. All this while, you had weeks to decide and plan ahead.

It is unheard of to keep a lady waiting for a date, whereas men wait patiently for hours for a lady to arrive. When she comes looking all glamourous, then it is assumed she was late because she was preparing to look good for her man. Sometimes it is intentional (if she’s not interested) sometimes it is not; either lack of good planning or perfectionism took over. But just like we are good at being timely at work and for our families, we can up our game right? Click HERE to check out my colleague’s post as he gives his male perspective on whether women poor at time management? 

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