My sister got married last Friday. A beautiful wedding. Fabulous.  I am sure you can imagine the conversations I have had around marriage...

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My sister got married last Friday. A beautiful wedding. Fabulous.  I am sure you can imagine the conversations I have had around marriage over the last month. With pressure from my family members to follow in her shoes. Well, I may just be the next in line however, I couldn’t help but notice that married people prosper quicker once married compared to their years of singlehood.

It is difficult to get that one person in the universe that connects with your every nerve. Once you get one, marry them folks. Marry them. Marry them in your youth, and lay together with your loved one’s solid building blocks as opposed to waiting until you are firmly established, because once you have an empire, you will attract all manner of people, some of whom you may never wish to meet again.

Some men with wives behave significantly differently from the bachelors in town who seem to prey on any & every beautiful woman that passes by. Married men tent to spend more time with their wives and kids and engage in meaningful conversations. Bachelors on the other hand, come in all shapes and colours; from the very useless to those edging towards being marriage material. It takes the hand of a woman to mould her man into anything mariageable. I will tell you; we men have tonnes of fantasies. Grab us where you can and deliver us from our fallacies.

Married Men are trusted with more responsibility and allocated senior projects at work as they are regarded as more reliable in comparison to their single counterparts who have a propensity towards uncertainty. Building a business as well is quicker and more solid where a couple is involved as they provide the necessary support to one other. There you go all my bachelor buddies. I just let one eternal secret out of the treasure cave. You can thank me later. 

Find yourself the one that makes the whole universe shrink into eternal nothingness and get her a gift for Valentines. Until we speak again, I am your host, Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world.


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