On ‘Ugrading your way to a Happy and Prosperous 2017’ By Mwangi Ndegwa

Let me first say a big thank you to the ATB family especially Miriam Mukasa for her wonderful work & counsel and to...

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Let me first say a big thank you to the ATB family especially Miriam Mukasa for her wonderful work & counsel and to all ATB Facebook contributors and all those who took their time to read my posts, commenting or liking.  I couldn’t have gone this far without your support. I hope we continue with this trend in this New Year and aspire to move even higher.  As we begin this year, I want to share something briefly with you all.

I believe most of us use computers and over ninety five percent have windows as the operating system. The first version of windows (if my memory serves me right), started at 3.1. Right now its been upgraded to windows 10 which is the latest version. The reason for this is to make sure they keep up with the ever changing trends in the IT industry. Again, Microsoft have security for their systems high above their list of to do things and they don’t compromise on that. For that reason, they have to keep upgrading their software to make sure they are ahead of hackers at all times.

Just as Microsoft, we also need to have upgrades in our lives every now and then; be this in our studies, businesses, social life or even in our religious circles.We need to upgrade our thinking, our associations, our way of studying, as well as the way we do business.

There are some relationships that we had last year which are no longer serving any purpose in our lives so we need to upgrade from them. The businesses we were running last year may no longer be viable and so we need to upgrade. For those still in school, the academic world is very dynamic and our mode of study yesterday may be outdated today so you need to upgrade. There are very many things that we need to upgrade from.Above are just a few I have highlighted we all know our position in life and what we do.So all one needs do, is to take stock of our personal lives and then from there, it will be easy to know what needs an upgrade. On this note,      I wish you all, a prosperous New Year 2017


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