There are so many people worrying about little things these days that it is almost becoming an epidemic.
There is no question the world is in dire straits and does not look as though it will come out of this anytime soon. We do have energy problems, money problems, housing problems and more than enough on our plate to last a life time however, all the worry in the world is not going to solve those situations or indeed, change our predicament.
Years ago, someone told me this “If you have a problem and can do something about it, do it, if not, forget it. Those were wise words and have served
me well. Worrying is a human condition. As a result, we have the tendency to worry about life rather living life. We worry about the past, the future,
ourselves, and what people think about us. Worrying should be replaced with concern; we should be concerned about our problems rather than worry, concern tends to propel us to act or take action. When faced with problems where there are no actions to take or it is out of your control, then let the inevitable happen and it too shall pass.
Worry can control your whole life, and it can damage how you view the differences between fantasy and reality. Everyone, to one extent or
another, might be afraid about sustaining their job in this economy, or struggling to keep a relationship going, but you can also ruin yourself by
sending too much attention focused on these things. Stop worrying too much and start to live your life.