On ‘Prostate Cancer’ By Mitchell Odhiambo

This article is dedicated to all those who have lost their battle with Cancer According to research, cancer now accounts for more deaths worldwide than HIV/AIDS,...

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This article is dedicated to all those who have lost their battle with Cancer

According to research, cancer now accounts for more deaths worldwide than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and Malaria combined. Of the 7.6 million global cancer deaths in 2008, more than 55% occurred in less developed regions of the world. Forget the myth that cancer is a disease for the wealthy, elderly and developed countries. The truth my friend is, cancer is a global epidemic affecting all ages and socio-economic groups, with developing countries bearing a disproportionate burden.

Cancer is a significant health problem in Africa but the best available figures show that HIV/AIDS and other diseases still cause far more deaths here than cancer at present. That notwithstanding, I’d like to dedicate this article to raise awareness about prostate cancer; a disease which only affects men. Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death among men of all races. In Kenya, Prostate Cancer is among the top three cancer killers in the country. Think about that.

Prostate cancer is mostly a very slow, progressing disease that affects the prostate; an exocrine gland of the male reproductive system and exists directly under the bladder, in front of the rectum. In fact many men die of old age without knowing they had prostate cancer – it is only when the autopsy is done that doctors know it was there. Several studies have indicated that 80% of all men in their eighties had prostate cancer when they died, but nobody knew, not even the doctor.

I would advise my female readers to advise the men in their lives and my male readers to visit the major health facilities for screening as early detection could significantly improve your survival chances.

You may also be more interested in ways to reduce your risk and that includes changing your lifestyle including opting for a healthy diet. By that I mean, go low on foods that contain fat which include meats, nuts, oils and dairy products such as milk and cheese & I am aware it is Christmas eve. Eat more fats from plants rather than from animals, increase your fruits and vegetables intake each day. They are full of vitamins and nutrients, and yes eat fish and macadamia; macadamia & fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and herring, contain omega3 fatty acids that may contribute to a reduced risk of prostate cancer. If you don’t currently eat fish, you may consider including it to your diet.

Putting that into consideration, spread the love and cheer with your loved ones. Merry Christmas to you all.

Until we speak again, I am your host Mitchell Odhiambo. Welcome to a man’s world. To get a female perspective on Cervical cancer, please click HERE to read my colleague Lillian’s post.

Sources & Useful links

  1. http://www.cancer.org/cancer/prostatecancer/
  2. http://www.worldcancerday.org/myth-2-cancer-disease-wealthy-elderly-and-developed-countries
  3. https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2000170630/alarm-over-prostate-cancer-hitting-kenyan-men
  4. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/prostate-cancer/in-depth/prostate-cancer-prevention/art-20045641
  5. https://africacheck.org/reports/channel-4-wrong-to-claim-cancer-is-bigger-cause-of-death-in-africa-than-aids/
  6. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/150086.php

Photo Credit: PageCovers.com




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